Tony Takes a Bow

Tony-caricatureLongtime chairman Tony Skelton, a name which became synonymous with the St Mary’s Bay Association, stepped down as chair at the 2015 AGM.

Without Tony’s energy, enthusiasm and hard work, the Reserve could have been lost to motorway widening and the Westhaven Marina been much less attractive. Tony made sure the views of the St Mary’s Bay Association were heard at council and government level. The association developed a strong voice and a great deal of respect – and became known for doing its homework and not taking No for an answer.

John Hill, also a founding member, paid tribute to Tony’s achievements.
In recognition of his years of service and influence, the association presented Tony with a caricature of himself, commissioned from award-winning NZ Herald cartoonist Rod Emmerson.

In his farewell address, Tony looked ahead at the future for community organisations in an increasingly bureaucratic world.