Over-height apartments get green light

An over-height apartment complex of 49 units on the old motel site at 99 College Hill received resource consent in November 2017  under the Special Housing Act (SHA). The existing building, comprising 27 units, has a Mixed Use zone to College Hill and a low density Single House zone to Dublin Street

Although the proposed development was not required to be publicly notified under the SHA , the development does not comply with the Operative Unitary Plan in many respects and the SMBA  considers it would have been appropriate for at least the directly affected neighbours to have been be able to make submissions  on the scheme.

The 32 unit (4-storey) development to a height of 16.195 metres proposed on the College Hill frontage does not comply with the 13 metre (3-storey ) height limit confirmed after submissions to the Unitary Plan, which only became operative in 2016 .The result is a 4-storey block built boundary to boundary which is totally out of scale and bulk when compared with the existing buildings in this sector of College Hill,  including the historic post office (3-storey)  the BDO Colenso building (3 storeys) and the Pennington Flats (3 storeys) which directly adjoins the site.

Dublin Street residents say the significantly over-height building will overlook outdoor living areas in homes in Dublin Street and create shadowing.

Construction is expected to take at least 18 months and it is hoped that construction, demolition and earthworks will be required to use only the College Hill frontage throughout the lengthy construction  period.