20 daily parking coupons for St Mary’s Bay businesses

Auckland Transport has announced an all-day parking scheme for a limited number of businesses in the St Mary’s Bay and Freeman’s Bay residential parking zones.

The scheme is based on $5 daily coupons and limited to 20 businesses in St Mary’s Bay and 40 in Freeman’s Bay. The scheme will be administered through the Ponsonby Business Association and businesses must meet certain criteria, including:

  • No off-street parking
  • Only one coupon per day, per business.

The coupons will be specific to each parking zone but not linked to number plates. A similar scheme is planned for Ponsonby businesses once the Ponsonby Parking Zone is in place.

“We acknowledge the need for limited parking availability for businesses without any car parks, but would be concerned to see any expansion of the scheme allowing, in effect, multiple parks for commuter employees,” commented St Mary’s Bay Association chair, David Abbott. “It is important for business viability that customers can find a park easily in the 2-hour zone.”

He has also requested regular reports from Auckland Transport on parking zone statistics.